Episode 4

Expressing Emotions and Honoring the Spectrum of Feelings

In this episode, we invite you to join us in a deeply personal exploration of the emotions that arise after the loss of a beloved pet. Through a gentle guided meditation, we create a nurturing space for acknowledging and embracing the full range of feelings—sadness, anger, gratitude, and more.

Join us as we honor the unique journey of grief, knowing that every emotion expressed is a testament to the depth of our love for our furry companions.

Together, let's navigate this journey of remembrance and healing, knowing that we are not alone in our shared experience of loss.


Welcome to our meditation for expressing emotions after the loss of a beloved pet. In this sacred space, we honor the full spectrum of feelings that arise during times of grief. I remember the first time I lost a pet, it was my cat Nomar, and it was pretty unexpected. He had started to decline on a Wednesday and I had to say goodbye to him on a Friday.

But it was unexpected. He didn't have any, uh, diagnoses of any illnesses or anything like that. And the day I had to say goodbye to him, my regular vet was out of town. So he was seeing a vet that he had never seen before. And we made the decision to say goodbye on that morning. But I just remember feeling like, I just felt like this vet didn't care as much as I did.

I felt anger towards her, like we didn't try hard enough or I didn't have all the information that I needed. And then after the fact, I felt angry to myself. I was mad at myself for what I thought maybe was a decision that was too fast, too quick. Um. Just all those types of emotions that can go through you when you have to say goodbye to your pet.

I even felt anger at my parents. They had never owned a pet. We didn't have pets growing up and felt like they didn't understand the bond between me and my cat and just felt like they didn't understand that that could be as, as deep as the bond between a parent and a child. And so I had a lot of anger going through.

It's one of the main emotions that I felt. And I just want to let you know that it is normal to have these types of feelings. In fact, there's so many different emotions we can be going through right now during this grieving process. So I wanted to create this meditation and invite you to acknowledge and embrace your emotions with compassion and acceptance.

So together, let's create a safe and nurturing environment for healing and self expression.

Go ahead and begin by finding a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths, just allowing yourself to settle into this moment.

As you breathe, allow your mind to become aware of the emotions swirling within you. Perhaps you feel sadness, anger, guilt, or even moments of gratitude and love. Just know that all these emotions are valid and deserving of acknowledgement.

With each inhale, invite any emotions that arise to come to the surface. Allow them to wash over you like waves, without judgment or resistance. Embrace the full spectrum of your feelings, knowing that they are an integral part of the healing process.

As you continue to breathe, imagine yourself surrounded by a soft, comforting light. This light represents the love and support of those who understand your pain and are here to offer compassion.

Take a moment to reflect on the specific emotions you're experiencing. Name them silently in your mind or speak them aloud if you feel called to do so. You can say, I feel, and then name the emotion, and that's okay. I feel anger, and that's okay. I feel guilty, and that's okay.

Now, bring your attention to the physical sensations in your body. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort. With each exhale, just imagine releasing these physical manifestations of grief, allowing your body to soften and relax.

Take a few moments to allow any tears to flow if they need to.

Tears are a natural and healing expression of grief, carrying with them the weight of your emotions. As

you continue to breathe, Imagine yourself surrounded by a circle of loving beings, friends, family, or even your beloved pet spirit.

Feel their presence supporting you, holding space for your emotions with love and compassion.

With each breath, feel yourself becoming lighter as you release the weight of your emotions. Know that it's okay to feel whatever you're feeling. and that you are not alone in your grief.

As we prepare to conclude this meditation, take a few more deep breaths, savoring the sense of peace and acceptance that surrounds you.

When you're ready, gently open your eyes and return to the present moment, carrying with you the knowledge that you were supported and loved. Thank you so much for meditating with me. I'm glad we could share this experience together.

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The Cat Dad Show
Interviews with cat experts plus guided meditations for pet loss.

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Scott Colby