Episode 9

Finding Comfort in Memories After Pet Loss

In this episode, we embark on a gentle journey of finding comfort in memories after the loss of a beloved pet. Through a heartfelt guided meditation, we offer understanding, kindness, and compassion to those who find solace in the remembrance of cherished moments shared with their furry companions. Whether memories bring joy or sadness, this meditation provides a safe space for healing, allowing listeners to navigate the bittersweet journey of remembrance with grace and acceptance. Join us as we honor the enduring bond between pets and their humans, finding comfort in the warmth of cherished memories.


Today I want to talk about memories of our pet after they passed away. Specifically, I know just when I lost both of my cats, I really had a hard time just looking at their pictures for a long, long time. They just, especially the first cat that I lost, just anytime I looked at his picture or popped up on maybe my Facebook memories, I just.

broke out into the really hard, intense cry session. I wouldn't even go back into my phone to look at the pictures of, you know, his last week. And I, I still haven't really done that for him or for Mia. Just some of those memories are painful. Other people thrive on those memories. They can actually. Can help them feel good and, uh, just bring a smile to their face.

And it does, you know, now when I see pictures, it's been several months from the passing of Mia where I can look and I get sad, but they're also happy memories. Same thing with like toys around the home or just there where they slept and, uh, just lots of things can bring back. Tough memories to think about when your pet was well and running around.

And, um, so I knew, know that finding comfort in memories can be a bittersweet journey. We all react differently. We feel, we feel different for some. These memories bring solace and healing others. They can feel overwhelming and painful, especially in that immediate aftermath after loss. So just knowing that it's really a complex experience what we're going through losing a pet losing our child Want you to feel that you have the space for understanding Kindness and compassion in this meditation and know that it's okay if you struggle to find comfort in memories right now Just know that healing takes time And hopefully this meditation is a gentle step on the path towards peace and acceptance.

So I want to do a meditation where we find comfort in memories. Again, knowing that we're all at a different stage in our journey, we all process grief differently. But begin by finding a comfortable position, just allowing your body to settle into a state of relaxation. If you'd like, you can close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling peace and exhaling tension.

You want to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

As you breathe, bring your awareness to the memories of your beloved pet that just reside within your heart. Anything that comes to you. It might just be the warmth of their presence beside you. Or the feeling of their fur when you pet them. Just allow these memories to come to the surface with gentleness and grace.

And know that it's okay if these memories evoke a range of emotions. I'm sure they will. Joy. Sadness. Gratitude. Guilt. Longing, you just want them back.

Embrace these emotions with kindness and understanding, knowing that they're all a natural part of the healing process.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a soft, comforting light, a light of understanding, kindness, and compassion. Allow its warmth to envelop you, just, you're surrounded by it. Warmth offers you a comfort and a solace as you navigate the memories of your beloved pet.

If you'd like, take a moment to recall a specific memory or a moment shared with your pet. A moment of love, laughter, playfulness, connection. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this memory, just savoring every detail and sensation.

And if feelings of sadness or longing arise, that's normal, gently remind yourself it is okay to feel them. It's okay to feel any feeling or emotion that arises. Offer yourself compassion and understanding, knowing that healing takes time and you're not alone in your grief.

Now, imagine gathering all the cherished memories of your pet. Every purr or bark or playful times, sleeping together,

and imagine holding them close to your heart.

Know that these memories will always be yours to treasure, bringing comfort and solace in moments of sadness.

As we approach the end of this meditation, let's take a final deep breath together. Go ahead and inhale a sense of peace.

And exhale any remaining tension.

Know that you're held in the embrace of understanding and compassion.

When you're ready, you can gently open your eyes, return to the present moment, and just carry with you a sense of warmth and comfort as you continue to cherish the memories of your beloved pet. Thank you so much for meditating with me today.

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The Cat Dad Show
Interviews with cat experts plus guided meditations for pet loss.

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Scott Colby