Episode 24

Finding Comfort In Routine After Pet Loss

In this episode of Soulful Paws, we gently explore the comfort and healing that can come from maintaining daily routines after the loss of a beloved pet. Join us for a compassionate meditation designed to help you find solace in familiar activities, honor your pet’s memory, and adapt routines to bring a sense of connection and peace. Whether you’re struggling to return to your routine or looking for ways to incorporate moments of comfort, this meditation offers support and understanding on your journey through grief.


Losing our beloved pet can leave us feeling lost and unsure of how to return to our daily routines, that's completely normal. I know at least for me, I, you know, didn't know how to get back into my work and get back into my exercising and going for walks and eating the type of foods that I normally eat.

I was completely lost. I know for others, kind of, you know, you want to get back to your routine. You want to go to work as soon as possible to give you something to do and something else to think about. So there's no right or wrong way. Everybody is different. Everybody grieves differently. And I know it's natural to feel that routine might seem lonely and empty without your pet's presence.

So today on this meditation, just want to gently explore how maintaining and finding solace in daily routines can maybe bring a sense of comfort, a little bit of healing. And just remember, you know, as I mentioned, I probably mentioned this all the time, everybody grieves differently and it's okay to take this journey at your own pace.

Let's go ahead and begin our meditation. Go ahead and find a comfortable position. You can either sit or lie down, whatever feels comfortable for you. And just see if you can allow your body to relax and your mind to settle. You can close your eyes gently and just take a few deep breaths on your own, Inhaling calm and exhaling tension.

Now I want you to imagine yourself in a familiar cozy room. A place where you and your pet shared many moments together.

This could be your living room. Could be a favorite spot in the garden. Or any place that brings back warm memories. Go ahead and see if you can picture the details. The colors. The textures and the sounds.

Now, as you sit in this familiar space, acknowledge the emptiness you might feel.

It's okay to miss your pet deeply, I'm sure you do, and to feel the weight of their absence. This is completely normal. I want you to allow yourself to sit with these feelings for a moment, honoring your grief. And the love you shared.

Now, bring your attention to the small routines that were part of your daily life with your pet. Maybe it was the morning walk, the evening cuddle, or perhaps it was feeding time. I want you to visualize these routines vividly, just remembering the joy and connection they brought.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale, imagine carrying forward the essence of these routines.

While the physical presence of your pet is no longer here, the love and joy you shared remain.

Let these memories become a source of comfort, and knowing that your routines can still hold meaning and solace.

Consider how you can adapt your routines to honor your pet's memory. Perhaps you can take a walk in their favorite park, plant a flower in their memory, or even create a small ritual to remember them each day. Allow these adaptive routines to bring a sense of connection and continuity

Now, think about the activities that bring you comfort and peace. It could be reading a book, sipping a cup of tea, listening to music, or simply sitting quietly.

See if you can incorporate these activities into your daily routine, allowing them to provide moments of solace and healing.

Now imagine yourself going through a typical day, gently integrating these comforting routines. Visualize yourself waking up, starting your day with a small ritual in memory of your pet, and moving through your daily tasks with a sense of presence and peace.

Just remember that it's okay to feel a mix of emotions as you navigate your routines. Some days may feel harder than others, and that is perfectly normal. Be kind to yourself, be gentle, and allow yourself the space to feel whatever arises.

Take a few moments to breathe deeply, feeling the rhythm of your breath and the steadiness of your heartbeat.

Just know that each breath brings you a step closer to healing. and that your routines can be a source of strength and comfort.

When you're ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. You can wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch if you need to, and slowly open your eyes.

Carry with you the sense of connection and solace you found during this meditation. As always, thank you for joining me in this meditation. Remember, finding solace in routine can be a gentle way to honor your pet's memory and bring a sense of comfort and healing to your days. Just be gentle with yourself as you navigate this journey and just know that you're not alone.

Thank you so much for meditating with me. Take care, and until next time, be kind to yourself. Bye for now.

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The Cat Dad Show
Interviews with cat experts plus guided meditations for pet loss.

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Scott Colby