Episode 2

Gratitude for Companionship and Honoring Our Beloved Pets

During this meditation we embark on a journey of gratitude and remembrance for the cherished companionship of our beloved pets. We'll reflect on the profound bond we shared with our furry friends, expressing gratitude for the love, joy, and companionship they brought into our lives.

Let this meditation be a sanctuary for healing as we honor the memories of our cherished pets and embrace the enduring legacy of their unconditional love.

If today's meditation has been helpful, consider sharing this with someone else going through their pet loss journey.


Welcome to these pet loss meditations, a sanctuary for healing and reflection during times of pet loss. My name is Scott, a fellow traveler on this journey of grief and remembrance, having experienced the loss of beloved pets myself. Together, let's honor the love and companionship our pets brought into our lives.

My cat, Mia, passed away about seven months ago from the time I'm recording this. She was 20 years old and she had a lot of health challenges, but. Even though she lived to be 20, it was just not long enough. And a couple of weeks ago, I decided to put on a pet loss memorial hike for those of us that had lost their pets.

And so I did this in honor of Mia, inspired by her. And so a few people came. A few people that had lost their pets and had to say goodbye to them. I really enjoyed getting to know them and hearing stories about their pets and the hike was beautiful. It was a waterfall hike and on the hike, uh, we each had an opportunity to write a gratitude letter to our pets.

I thought that would be pretty neat sometimes in the waves of grief, the feelings of grief are so powerful that we maybe forget to. Think of all the things that we are grateful for for our pets that we've had to say goodbye to. So we each wrote a letter to our pet and I wanted to share with you my note to Mia.

Dear Mia, I'm on a hike in Tennessee honoring Dear Mia, I'm on a hike in Tennessee honoring and remembering you. I put together this hike in your memory and met three awesome new friends because of you. I miss you every single minute of every day. I miss your snuggles. Your ability to make me laugh, you getting on video for all of my coaching calls, I miss taking your picture 100 times a day, I miss your purrs, I miss you devouring treats and your love.

I hope you are playing with NOMR and thank you for enriching my life for 20 years. Love your daddy. Maybe this will inspire you to write a gratitude letter to your pet.

Begin by finding a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to settle into this moment.

As you breathe, bring to mind the image of your beloved pet. Visualize them in a place that brings you peace, surrounded by love and light. See their face, feel their presence, and allow their essence to fill your heart.

Take a moment to reflect on the companionship your pet provided throughout their life. Recall the moments of joy, laughter, and comfort you shared together. Feel the warmth of gratitude expanding within you as you cherish these memories.

With each breath, allow yourself to express gratitude for the unique qualities of your pet. Perhaps they were a source of unconditional love, a constant source of stuff, A constant source of comfort, or a loyal companion through life's ups and downs. Whatever it may be, honor and appreciate the gifts they brought you into your life.

Now, focus on a specific memory or experience with your pet that fills your heart with gratitude. Allow this memory to come alive in your mind's eye. Notice the details, the sights. sounds and feelings associated with this moment of connection.

As you immerse yourself in this memory, feel the love and gratitude flowing between you and your pet. Let it wash over you like a gentle wave, soothing any pain or sadness you may be feeling.

Take a moment to silently thank your pet for the love and companionship they shared with you. Express your gratitude for the lessons they taught you. The laughter they brought into your life, and the unconditional love they offered without reservation.

Now imagine wrapping your pet in a warm embrace, thanking them for the beautiful journey you shared together. Feel their presence surrounding you, filling you with love and gratitude.

As we prepare to conclude this meditation, take a final, deep breath, inhaling a gratitude As we prepare to conclude this meditation, take a final deep breath, inhaling gratitude

and exhaling any remaining tension or sadness. Know that the love you shared with your pet will always remain in your heart. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and carry this sense of gratitude with you as you navigate the journey of grief, allowing it to bring comfort and healing along the way.

Thank you for meditating with me.

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The Cat Dad Show
Interviews with cat experts plus guided meditations for pet loss.

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Scott Colby