Episode 55

MEDITATION - Finding Balance: A Meditation on Adjusting to Life After Pet Loss

In this episode of Soulful Paws, part of The Cat Dad Show, we guide you through a gentle meditation focused on navigating the changes in routine that come with the loss of a beloved pet. This meditation offers comfort and support as you adapt to a new daily rhythm, acknowledging the emptiness left behind and exploring ways to find peace and create new rituals that honor your pet’s memory. Join us as we embrace the flow of life, offering grace and understanding to ourselves during this challenging time.


Welcome to Soulful Paws, a special part of the Cat Dad show. My name is Scott Colby, and today we're going to explore the changes in routine that come with the loss of a beloved pet. Our daily routines often become intertwined with our pets, and their absence can leave us feeling lost, disoriented, and empty.

This meditation is designed to help you navigate these changes with compassion and grace, recognizing that adjusting to a new routine takes time. And remember everybody grieves differently and it's important to honor your own process as you find your way through this difficult time.

So you can begin by finding a comfortable position, either Sitting or lying down. Go ahead and close your eyes gently. And take a deep breath in. Allowing it to fill your lungs completely.

And exhale. Releasing any tension you may be holding. Let each breath bring you into a state of relaxation.

Now, imagine yourself in the quiet of early morning, just as the sun is beginning to rise. The world is still, and there's a sense of calm in the air.

This is a time that may have once been shared with your pet, a morning walk, feeding time, Or simply a moment of quiet companionship.

As you stand in the serene morning light, allow yourself to feel the absence of your pet.

It's okay to acknowledge the void they have left in your daily routine. Perhaps the house feels quieter, the morning's longer, or the day's less full.

These changes are natural and it's important to recognize the impact they have on you.

Now take a few moments and reflect on how your routine has shifted since your pet's passing. What small rituals are now different? What moments of the day feel empty or unfamiliar? It's okay to feel the weight of these changes. They are a testament to the deep bond you shared.

Now, as you continue to breathe deeply, I want you to imagine a gentle river flowing nearby.

This river represents the flow of your daily life. Constantly moving, always changing. And just as a river adapts to the landscape around it, you too can adjust and adapt to the changes in your routine, even if it takes time.

Now picture yourself standing by the river's edge, watching the water as it moves steadily along. The river doesn't rush. It flows at its own pace. carving its path over time.

Allow this image to remind you that it's okay to take your time as you adjust to your new routine.

There's no need to rush the process of healing or finding a new normal.

Consider the possibility of introducing new rituals into your day. Ones that honor your pet's memory and help you feel connected to them. Maybe it's a quiet moment of reflection in the morning, lighting a candle in their memory, or taking a walk in a place that was special to both of you. These small acts can bring comfort and joy.

Help you navigate the changes in your routine with intention and care.

As you stand by the river, imagine dipping your hand into the cool water. Feel the gentle current against your skin. A reminder that life continues to flow, even in the midst of loss. Allow this sensation to bring you a sense of calm and acceptance as you move forward.

Spend a few moments in silence, simply being present by the river, allowing yourself to feel whatever arises. Know that it's okay to grieve the changes in your routine, to miss the moments you once shared with your pet. and to take your time in finding a new rhythm.

And when you're ready, take a deep breath in.

And as you exhale, imagine releasing any tension or anxiety about the future. Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. You can wiggle your fingers and toes. You can take a stretch if you need to. And gently open your eyes. Thank you so much for joining me in this meditation. Remember, adjusting to changes in routine after the loss of a pet takes time.

And it's okay to give yourself the grace and space you need during this process. Be kind to yourself as you navigate these changes. And know that it's okay to create new rituals and honor the love you shared with your pet. Take care, and until next time, be gentle with yourself.

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The Cat Dad Show
Interviews with cat experts plus guided meditations for pet loss.

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Scott Colby