Episode 41

MEDITATION - Embracing Vulnerability: A Meditation for Finding Strength in Pet Loss

In this episode of Soulful Paws, part of The Cat Dad Show, we explore how embracing vulnerability can lead to unexpected strength and healing after the loss of a beloved pet. This gentle meditation provides a safe space to honor your emotions and find comfort during this difficult time. Join us as we connect with our inner resilience, recognizing that vulnerability is a courageous step on the path to healing. Whether you’re in shock or deep grief, this meditation offers support and understanding for your unique journey.


Welcome to Soulful Paws, a special part of the Cat Dad show. My name is Scott Colby. I do have one brief announcement before we get started. I have a really short book. It's brand new. It's called It's Not Your Fault. It's all about Uh, helping you maybe process your grief in a different way so you're not feeling quite as guilty.

If you would like a copy of this, it's in digital format, find me at Instagram. My handle is scottkolby, S C O T T C O L B Y. Feel free to send me a direct message there and I'll make sure you get a copy of this book. Today we're going to explore how allowing ourselves to be vulnerable can lead to unexpected strength and healing.

Losing a beloved pet can leave us feeling raw and exposed, but through this meditation, we will embrace these emotions as part of our healing journey. Remember, everybody grieves differently, and it's important to honor your own unique path. So let's take this time together to find comfort and strength in our vulnerability.

Begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths, inhaling calm and exhaling any tension you may be holding. Go ahead and take a nice big inhale

and a long exhale.

Take a deep breath in

and let it out.

Now imagine yourself standing at the edge of a vast open field. The sky above is wide, a brilliant canvas of blue with gentle, drifting clouds. So this field represents a safe space where you can explore your feelings and embrace your vulnerability.

As you walk into the field, feel the earth beneath your feet, solid and supportive.

With each step, you become more connected to the ground, feeling anchored and secure.

Find a spot to sit down in the field, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and the soft grass beneath you. And take a moment to settle in, allowing yourself to fully relax into this peaceful environment.

Reflect on the loss of your beloved pet. And acknowledge the emotions that arise. Sadness. Pain. Even anger or disbelief.

These feelings are a natural part of grieving and it's okay to experience them fully.

Visualize a gentle breeze passing through the field carrying with it whispers of acceptance and compassion. This breeze represents a natural flow of emotions, encouraging you to allow your feelings to move through you without judgment.

Now, as you sit in this open field, imagine yourself surrounded by a circle of tall, strong trees. These trees symbolize your inner strength and resilience. They stand firmly, rooted in the earth. Offering you support and protection.

Reflect on the unique bond you shared with your pet, the love and joy they brought into your life. Remember that it takes courage to love deeply and to feel the pain of loss.

Allow yourself to honor the vulnerability that comes with such a profound connection.

If you'd like, gently place your hand over your heart, feeling its steady rhythm. Know that your heart has the capacity to heal and to hold both the sorrow and the love that remains.

Silently repeat the following affirmations to yourself. I allow myself to feel and express my emotions, knowing that it's a natural part of the grieving process.

I am patient and gentle with myself, recognizing that healing takes time.

By embracing my vulnerability, I find strength and resilience within myself.

I honor my grief and give myself permission to grieve in my own way.

I am worthy of compassion and understanding, especially from myself.

Now imagine the gentle breeze returning, this time carrying away any feelings of self doubt or fear. As it passes, feel a sense of relief and acceptance wash over you. Knowing that it's okay to be vulnerable and to find strength in this openness.

Let's spend a few moments in this peaceful field absorbing the tranquility and support that surrounds you. Let this place be a reminder of the love you shared with your pet and the courage you possess in facing your grief.

When you're ready, take a few deep breaths, inhaling calm and exhaling any remaining tension.

Gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Stretch if you need to. And slowly open your eyes.

Thank you for joining me in this meditation. Remember, finding strength in vulnerability is an important part of the healing process. Be gentle with yourself and know that you are worthy of love and understanding as you navigate your grief. Take care and until next time, be kind to yourself.

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The Cat Dad Show
Interviews with cat experts plus guided meditations for pet loss.

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Scott Colby